Category: Uncategorized

Single Entry

Thursday August 11th
7:30pm-9:00pm EST
How would it feel if someone you truly cared for knew how to ‘actively listen’ to you?

This important person in your life knew how to be fully engaged, present to the words coming out of your mouth.
And…after you were finished communicating and sharing your experience, rather than reacting, judging or trying to solve the problem, they simply paused and said, “I hear you, I’m listening, you matter to me.”

Active Listening

Thursday August 11th
7:30pm-9:00pm EST
How would it feel if someone you truly cared for knew how to ‘actively listen’ to you?

This important person in your life knew how to be fully engaged, present to the words coming out of your mouth.
And…after you were finished communicating and sharing your experience, rather than reacting, judging or trying to solve the problem, they simply paused and said, “I hear you, I’m listening, you matter to me.”

Sunset Soundbath

Saturday July 23rd – 8:30pm EST

Join us for a 60-minute in person, immersive experience at Mortimer’s Point on Lake Muskoka, Ontario. Take a much needed break to disconnect from your devices and your to-do list and reignite your creative flow and inner calm.

Come:Unity Sound Bath x Creative Mornings

Tuesday July 12th – 7:00pm EST
Sometimes we just need a break to unplug from our day – from our computers, slack messages, emails, work meetings and family commitments. Believe it or not, our ability to take intentional breaks and actually slow down allows us to move faster, further and with greater purpose and clarity later, especially on those days when we feel like we have major creative blocks, are feeling unmotivated, or that there’s too much to do and not enough time to get it done.

Exploring The Chakras

Sunday, July 17th
7:30pm-9:00pm EST
If you’ve ever done a yoga class or you’ve participated in some of our meditations where we tune into the body, you’ve likely heard the term “Chakras”.
But what are your chakras and why should you care about them?

Embody Success

Sunday, June 26th
7:30pm-9:00pm EST
The only way to truly see success is to FEEL IT.

Warning: If you are not sure if you want success in your life, this deep dive is NOT for you.
We spend a lot of time visioning what success could look like.  
It’s time we start to FEEL what success IS.


Sunday, June 5th
7:30pm-9:00pm EST
What would life be like if you could stop putting things off and saying “I’ll do it later”
If you could stop overthinking things and start taking more action towards your dreams
Let’s get to the root of what stops us from making s#@$ happen so that we can start to make more progress in our lives and experience more moments of gratification and happiness.